If you haven't already watched this film, it is a "must see". Yes, there is a cure for diabetes and it doesn't involve complicated medical procedures or an arsenal of pills and injections. In "Raw for Thirty Days" six people with diabetes confront their inner demons and create shifts in their outer lives through simply changing what they eat. Of course it is never just one thing that contributes to life change but by changing just one thing, changes can happen in other areas.
The film features experts David Wolfe, Dr. Gabriel Cousins, Tony Robbins and many others, and is one of the most inspiring films i have ever watched. I wrote about it in an earlier post shortly after my first screening. At that point i had only been raw for six months. How different my life is now, 12 months later.
* Bonus 1: Download of CD #1 and #2 from David Wolfe's "21 Days to Health Program"
* Bonus 2: "Kitchen Gadgets" 40 Minute Instructional Video by Raw Food Chef Cherie Soria of The Living Light Institute
* Bonus 3: Jennifer Cornbleet's Favorite 5 Recipes from her Book "Raw Food Made Easy"
* Bonus 4: A One Month Raw Menu Planner by Tera Warner of "The Raw Divas"
* Bonus 5: Audio Interview with Ani Phyo on How to Stay Raw While Traveling
So far, i have watched this film three times, and still enjoy it. There is so much information in it and a great story. As it happens, for the next few days it is possible to buy the 2 disc DVD set "Raw for Life" at half the listed price.
Click on this link here to purchase a copy --> http://rawfor30days.com/cmd.php?af=891358
Or if you already have a copy, why not buy one for a friend or family member.
When you purchase "Simply Raw: reversing diabetes in 30 days" for this special price, in addition to the DVD set, you'll receive the following five bonuses:
* Bonus 1: Download of CD #1 and #2 from David Wolfe's "21 Days to Health Program"
* Bonus 2: "Kitchen Gadgets" 40 Minute Instructional Video by Raw Food Chef Cherie Soria of The Living Light Institute
* Bonus 3: Jennifer Cornbleet's Favorite 5 Recipes from her Book "Raw Food Made Easy"
* Bonus 4: A One Month Raw Menu Planner by Tera Warner of "The Raw Divas"
* Bonus 5: Audio Interview with Ani Phyo on How to Stay Raw While Traveling
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